SAVE THE DATE: 122nd Grant Reunion: Sunday, August 28th, 11AM at the Buxton-Hollis Rod & Gun Club, 81 Plains Road, Hollis, ME. View this email in your browser ![]() Our 122nd Annual Grant Reunion this year is on Sunday, August 28th at 11am. See all the details, below. We’re currently taking orders for the new Grant Clan black hooded sweatshirts. The cost will be somewhere around $35 per sweatshirt depending on how many we order. They do have a surcharge for sizes 2X or larger, starting at $3. The more shirts we order, the less per shirt for the whole order! Please let us know how many sweatshirts you’ll want for your family, and what sizes. Sizes range from YXS to 5 XL (they are unisex, but it says they run small). You can see pictures of the sweatshirts below and on the Clan Grant Facebook page. We’ll be placing our sweatshirt order on Monday, August 1st. We will be bringing a small selection of other common-sized sweatshirts. If you want specific sizes, and to ensure that you get your shirts, please let us know by Monday August 1st and your shirts will be ready for you at the 122nd Clan Reunion on August 28th! Just reply to this email, or go to the Clan Grant Facebook page, to let us know what you’d like. *** We will be meeting at the Buxton-Hollis Rod & Gun Club at 81 Plains Road in Hollis ME (This is near Deer Pond.) There is plenty of parking and it is wheelchair accessible. As usual we will meet at 11:00 – with fresh corn to husk! The potluck lunch will begin at 12:00 – bring a dish to share. We will provide baked beans, corn on the cob, rolls, and cold drinks. Please bring any info you have on recent births, marriages, or deaths for the genealogy sheets. *** Other announcements: We’re delighted to share that the Maine Highland Games are now back at their original home, Thomas Point Beach in Brunswick!!! Also, we Grants are the honored clan this year!!! The Games are happening on Saturday, August 20th, 8am to 5pm. You can find more information here: Hope to see you there! Our northern Grant cousins are also having their reunion on Saturday, August 20th, at noon at the Cambridge Town Office. If the Games aren’t your thing, you might want to go up and join them for their gathering! Please share all this info with any Grants you can think of, especially if they do not have access to e-mail. If you know of those with email addresses who are NOT yet getting this notice, email us back and we’ll add them! See you soon! Nikki, Brent & Jeannie P.S. Looking forward to seeing you at the reunion! ![]() ![]() ![]() You are a member of this list because you signed up for Clan Grant Maine email updates. Our mailing address is: Clan Grant Maine P.O. Box 235 Hollis Center, Me 04042 Add us to your address book Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list |